Plugin Usage
Learn how to use the AutoScale plugin!
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Learn how to use the AutoScale plugin!
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Creates a UIAspectRatio constraint which maintains your GUI's height and width ratio across devices. AspectRatio is automatically calculated by the plugin.
Select all children of your ScreenGui object and click Add Constraint button to scale.
This feature is available to AutoScale Lite and Plus users. SmartScale has replaced this feature in AutoScale Nightly.
Allows easy conversion of Size and Position property units of GuiBase2d objects.
Select your GuiBase2d objects in explorer and click the relevant button options to convert Size/Position.
Recommended to use Scale unit for both Size and Position of your GuiBase2d objects for best scaling results.
Allows you to change default properties of your GuiBase2d objects. Hate how Roblox uses Offset unit for Size by default? You can change that here.
Open the Plus Menu and enable desired settings. Your settings will save and load automatically.
This convenient feature is available to AutoScale Plus and Nightly users.
This is an beta feature for AutoScale Plus and Nightly testers, still needs code optimisation to improve speed.
SmartScale feature is an attempt to intelligently make scaling decisions for users.
After creating your GUI, select the ScreenGui and press SmartScale button and it will scale everything in the ScreenGui for you. Alternatively, you can select a single GUI object and that particular object will be scaled e.g. Select a TextBox and it will add dynamic text scaling to only that specific GUI object
Selecting ScreenGui Objects
Applies UIAspectRatio constraint with calculated ratio if not already present to all children
All GuiBase2d descendants' Position and Size property converted to Scale unit if property exists
All TextScaled property objects are dynamically text scaled
Selecting standard GuiBase2d Objects
All objects' Position and Size property converted to Scale unit if property exists
If parent is a ScreenGui object, UiAspectRatio constraint applied to self
Selecting TextScaled property Objects
If TextScaled Enabled
Adds UITextSizeConstraint if not already present, max size being original font size (using TextBounds property
If TextScaled Disabled
Adds UITextSizeConstraint if not already present, max size being original font size and enable TextScaled property
Selecting standard ScrollingFrame Objects
AutomaticSize is enabled, set to XY
Sizes of all children are set to Offset.
Credit to @VarysThe Eunuch for helping with research on dyanmic text scaling methods.